>> Ausschreibung >> Fondazione Internazionale per la Scultura: five artist’s studios in Peccia. Bewerbung bis 30. August 2023

Fondazione Internazionale per la Scultura: five artist’s studios in Peccia. Bewerbung bis 30. August 2023

Application for AIR 24
The Fondazione Internazionale per la Scultura runs the Centro and its five artist’s studios in Peccia. Following a call for entries, international talents are selected by an independent jury. We are neutral as regards all applicants’ origin, politics, religion, gender and sexual orientation. The artists work on their projects from the beginning of May until the end of October, registration can be
done for 3 or 6 months. They have a working studio, three workshops covering stone-, wood- and metalworking as well as an accommodation studio at their disposal. Our workplace is equipped with a 20-ton crane, so that even large projects can be undertaken in the local Cristallina marble. The Casa degli Artisti in the historic village centre also serves as a meeting place for the artists present.
Visits and meetings with other artists, art historians, curators and gallery owners during the residency allows for the exchange of ideas and practices, acquisition of new knowledge and skills and opportunities to expand one’s network.

As a jury-selected Artist in Residence, you are an ambassador and contribute to achieving the Foundation’s goals. We are convinced that both sculpture and dealing with the material throughout the
process of creating work within the individual studio have an important role in the present. That is why we are passionate and committed to this aspect of cultural promotion. We rely on our ‘amici’ (friends), donors, and sponsors. With effective, inclusive communication, we can continue to develop the Centro, the region, and the wonderful materials of the Lavizzara beyond merely regional boundaries.

• Solid training in three-dimensional design and at least two years of professional experience as an artist. Interest in and ideally good knowledge of stonemasonry.
• At least one solo exhibition in the last eighteen months.
• Able to mee requirements for entry and residence permit in Switzerland.
• Ability to cover one’s own subsistence costs of min CHF 1,500.-/month as per local rules (obtaining a work permit for six months); exceptions see „our service“.
• Willingness to cooperate in the Foundation’s open communication strategy (visits by amici, sponsors and press, publication on media, including events outside Peccia, etc.).

Your obligations
• Attendance at all important events and at least 80% of the calendar days in the scholarship period.
• Travel costs to and from the residency are at your own expense.
• You are insured against accidents and have an internationally recognised health insurance policy.
• At the end of the residency, you leave one piece of work to the Foundation in consultation with the artistic director. The choice of work to be left will be discussed with a representative of the Foundation’s artistic commission and should be decided by the end of the third month of your stay at the latest.
• A suitable concept should be made available to the CIS during the months of June/July for the organisation of events.
• For works sold during or up to six months after your stay, you are required to pay 30% of the full sale price to the Foundation as commission. You will actively help to finance your own material costs through early fundraising, sponsorship, or sales commitments.
• You will remove your works and installations at the end of your stay or within two months from the end of your stay, unless otherwise agreed.
• You undertake to promote the Centro in an appropriate manner after your stay at the CIS and remain open to participating in exhibitions that the Foundation might organise whether in Peccia or other artistically significant locations, including, in particular, making accessible works realised in Peccia until the end of May in the following year. These events or exhibitions are financially supported by the Foundation.
• You will be available every month for one day and one or two evenings for marketing and communication purposes. (Sponsorship events, etc.).
• You will respect the house rules and safety regulations within the working studios as well as the house rules for the Casa degli Artisti; violations may lead to the immediate cancellation of the contract.
• Year Book: A yearbook of the season is normally published (in paper or electronic form) by the Foundation. For this purpose, the Artist-in-Residence shall make him or herself available to the
appointee for the production.
• Existing contracts with galleries or personal representatives are not a barrier to participation in our AIR programme. It is important to communicate this at the time of application to avoid misunderstandings in fundraising and communication during the period.
• Your explicit consent to the processing of your personal data for the purposes of external communication of the CIS (internet page, flyers, etc.).

Our service
• Free use of a working studio, the workspace, and a residential unit. Use of the studios by the artist’s guests are governed by specific regulations.
• Artistic accompaniment by a member of the Art Commission by arrangement.
• Organisation of a finissage, or special event, with sales opportunity.
• On request, the Foundation will pay for materials in the amount of CHF 3000 and transport costs in the amount of CHF 2000. for a stay of 3 months, half of this amount will be paid.
• If you do not have the means to cover your living costs during your stay, you have the opportunity to apply for a scholarship of max. CHF 1,500.- per month from the Foundation.
• it is possible to make bronze casts at the nearby Scuola di Scultura at your own expense (check at time on www.marmo.ch for dates)

The application process
• The application process takes place electronically via our homepage. The jury reserves the right to reject applications without explicit reasons.
• The jury will draw up its final report with the ranking list. Seven to ten candidates will be selected. The jury’s report will be forwarded to the CIS Foundation Board, which will formalise the decision. Final confirmations to successful candidates will be made in writing.
• The Foundation can award „wild cards“ by direct invitation.
• Timetable for the communication of the jury’s decision:
o Notification of the choice normally by the end of October for the next season.
o Confirmation by the candidate within the following 20 days. Failure to meet this deadline may lead to exclusion from the stay in favour of another candidate.

Final deadline for applications: 30th of august 2023

Artists in Residence – Centro Internazionale di Scultura Peccia (centroscultura.ch)


Das internationale Zentrum für die Skulptur (CIS) ist ein neues kulturelles Highlight in Peccia im oberen Maggiatal, Tessin, Schweiz. Es öffnete seine Türen im Jahr 2021. Im Sommer werden im und rund um das Centro di Scultura eine grosse Ausstellung und diverse kulturelle Veranstaltungen angeboten. Was jedoch besonders ist, und einzigartig in der Schweiz, ist unser Artist in Residence Angebot, auch für ausländischen KünstlerInnen. Unser Angebot umfasst ein besteingerichtetes Atelier mit technischer Unterstützung, ein schönes Wohnstudio und bei Bedarf finanzielle Unterstützung. Am CIS stehen fünf Ateliers zur Verfügung, die jedes Jahr in Form von Stipendien von einer Fachjury vergeben werden. Künstler aus der ganzen Welt und der Schweiz können sich bewerben und erhalten im Erfolgsfall ein sechsmonatiges Stipendium hier zu arbeiten.
